And now we're up to J - the letter that begins my name. If I hadn't introduced myself in my last post, I might have done it today. But I did. So, instead, J at my blog stands for Jewish Joanne finds Jesus.
Welcome to week TEN of my dear, dear friend Patty Wysong's From A 2 Z 4 U and me. We're work through the alphabet - one letter each Tuesday. No rules, other than your post has to relate to the letter of the week. Link up at Ordinary Lives and check out everyone else's post. Click on the graphic above for more details, and stop by Patty's blog to link up.
Now, there are a couple versions of my salvation testimony at FaithWriters (where, by the way, you can find a LOT of my writing). The first was a challenge entry, which gave me a bit of space to tell the "whole story." The second was, well, not as lengthy. In fact, I was challenged to write a complete story in 50 words or less. And I did. Five of them, actually - one of which was my testimony.
So: for your reading enjoyment, may I present BOTH.
Jewish Joanne, unbiased reporter, covers a Christian women's conference. The attendees' peace and joy moves her to read the Bible through - in three weeks. She has many questions, so she gets churched and mentored.
After several months, Joanne rereads "by His wounds we are healed."
Jewish Joanne is healed.
49 words
In Old Testament Black and White
I didn’t have much experience with Christianity as a kid. I was Jewish, Bat Mitzvahed at 13, born and raised in the San Fernando Valley. Though my high school wasn’t closed for Jewish holidays, a quarter of the students were absent for the High Holy Days.
My father was raised an orthodox Jew; my maternal grandfather was a former cantor; my great aunt still kept kosher. My Jewish roots ran deep, and were important to me.

The next one was Catholic. I was in college, dating a Catholic who brought me to Mass. I remember looking up at the front of the church, seeing the crucifix, and feeling more uncomfortable than I ever had before. I kept my eyes down for the rest of the service. That cross haunted me for quite a while.
I had other minor "encounters" with Christianity, but it wasn’t until I was married and living in the Midwest twelve years later that that cross grabbed my attention again.
My husband was nominally Jewish and we both followed our faith for a while. We soon stopped attending synagogue, however, neither of the local ones being to our liking. We still celebrated the major holidays, but nothing more.
I was working as a freelance writer for the local daily paper, and the religion editor had taken a liking to me, so I was writing for him. One day, he called and asked if I would cover a Christian women’s conference the following Saturday. I agreed skeptically, assuming it would be a bunch of fake, mushy women screaming "Hallelujah" and praising God for their wonderful lives.
Was I ever wrong.
The moment I walked into the arena, I felt a camaraderie among the women there, and a peace I simply couldn’t explain. The speakers, who I normally would have dismissed as hokey, resonated with me, and I felt myself filled with the same camaraderie and peace as those around me. I didn’t want to leave.
Unfortunately, I had no choice - I had a deadline to meet! And, as I left the building to walk the three blocks to the newspaper office, I felt that peace leave me just as suddenly as it arrived.
A myriad of questions ran through my mind.
What did those women have that I didn’t?
Could I find that kind of peace in Judaism if I was more devout, or was this a Christian phenomenon?
I decided I needed to start this quest of mine with my own faith. I found my copy of the Hebrew Bible and read the entire Old Testament from beginning to end in two weeks. I also typed out about 20 pages of notes.
Those two weeks brought several things to light, including my lack of obedience to God’s laws, and the emphasis throughout the Old Testament on vengeance and justice.
I knew what I had to do next. I began reading the New Testament. And there, it seemed, were answers to all my questions, comfort from all my fears. I finished the NT in another week, and added another dozen pages of notes to my collection.
Yet, I had some serious misgivings. I saw Jesus as a wonderful man, someone to emulate, but as God? As Messiah? My Jewish background and teachings were digging at me - "God is One," "Christ was a Jew-hater," and other mantras reverberated in my mind. I MIGHT be able to accept Jesus as Lord, but Savior?

But he was wounded because of our sins,
Crushed because of our iniquities.
He bore the chastisement that made us whole,
And by his bruises we were healed.
Isaiah 53:5 JPS
There it was, in black and while - in the Hebrew Scriptures: Christ’s death on the cross as payment for my sins. At this point, I had no choice. I embraced the cross, and have never turned back.
Sooo, there it is! JEWISH JOANNE finds JESUS! Be sure to stop by Patty's blog for more J posts. And join us!

Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence
I love hearing your testimony, Joanne!
ReplyDeleteI pray that more Jews would be
courageous enough to read the
New Testament.
Ahhhh...I never tire of hearing your beautiful testimony, Joanne!
ReplyDeleteI never knew! Joanne I LOVE this. Thank you for sharing your testimony! I never knew your background or the fact that you read the bible in 3 weeks! That must be a record somewhere, right?
ReplyDeleteI love you even more knowing that you are a Messianic Jewish Sister. What a beautiful, rich heritage you have! And I'm guessing you understand the scriptures in a way others may not since you have more understanding of the Jewish customs.
Thank you for sharing!
What a joy to read your testimony Joanne!
ReplyDeleteLoved reading this, Jo--actually made me well up with joy for you and the power of scripture.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful testimony! Has your husband come to Christ too?
ReplyDeleteYour testimony always warms my heart and leaves tears in my eyes. God is so awesome, and greatly to be praised! I'm so glad He reaches down and touches our lives in unique and special ways! Love you!
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord! God is great, and God is good.
ReplyDeleteI wondered what you'd do for "J". What a great post to start of my morning! Love ya, JJ! ^_^
ReplyDeleteI "J"ust love how God works! Thanks for sharing your story. I shared it with my mom. Thanks for sharing and much JOY to you!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad Jesus found you!
ReplyDeleteIt has been just a few years since I truly began studying the Old Testament. First, in Bible Study Fellowship. More recently in Kay Arthur's Precept classes. You have such a rich heritage, Joanne. What a J-oy for you to have come full circle in your faith. We owe so much to the J-ewish culture for preserving and sharing God's Word.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your story :)
God Bless
Beautiful testimony, my friend. I love hearing about how God calls us to Him.
ReplyDeleteI always love hearing your testimony, JoDear! =] So glad you found Jesus!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful testimony, Joanne! One of my best friends from high school is Jewish, and I pray she'll have an experience like yours. Bless you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful testimony, Joanne. Thanks so much for sharing it!
ReplyDeleteLovely, Joanne. I knew your "basic" story, but really enjoyed reading the longer version. Thanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteLove it, Jo!!! Your testimony is so fantastic and intriguing.