35k in 28 days
10622 / 35000 words. 30% done!
Be sure to enter my 11th rebirthday giveaway - you have a chance to win one of three books! Click here to check out the post and qualify to win. Deadline is next Tuesday night!

The purpose of Monday Manna is to get together and get to know Christ more through His Word.
On the first and third Mondays of each month, anyone who wants to participate can post their thoughts on a specific verse--posted here at my blog on the Thursday before, to allow you to chew on it over the weekend. It doesn't have to be long -- just a few thoughts, a picture you feel helps express it, a poem, a short story, a devotional. Just post it on your blog on Mondayish (early OR late is fine, by the way!), then come back here and link up in the MckLinky gadget that will be at the bottom of MY post at o'dark thirty that morning.
My husband gave me a beautiful bouquet of roses (early) for Valentine's Day. They are gorgeous. He did a good job picking a gift for me. But God does even better. The verse for this coming Monday is a good reminder of this.
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11
Looking forward to your thoughts (and mine!) on this verse. See you back here on Monday. And don't be afraid to tell your friends. The more the merrier!

Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence
Ok, I stink at this whole techy thing but I thought I'd try anyway. I am passing on the prestigous "Prolific Blogger" award to you. If you visit my blog you'll notice a link to yours as well as instructions to spread the love if you feel so inclined. I wish I knew how to include the cute little picture. Doh! Anyway, hugs to you and thanks for being so dang interesting to read!