For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 1 Peter 1:23 NIV
God's Word, Isaiah said, will never return void (Isaiah 55:11). It is a powerful tool, especially for salvation, but it isn't the ONLY one.
Our pastor is preaching through 1 Peter, and yesterday he covered the last couple verses of the first chapter, which discusses the powerful, imperishable, everlasting Word of God - the Bible.
But just hearing His Word isn't enough. There is another Piece of the puzzle that must be present for someone to be born again.
What piece, you ask? The Holy Spirit.
I don't know about you, but this encouraged me.
I'll be the first to admit that evangelism is not in my comfort zone. I'm afraid of messing up, of not being clear, of messing up my relationship with someone, of, more bluntly, ruining someone for God's kingdom. Ever worried like that?
But, knowing the Spirit is also a factor ensures me that it is NOT all up to me. It's not MY job to "save someone." All I need to do is present His Word to the lost. The rest is up to the Holy Spirit, Who is the only One who can make those seeds grow (1 Corinthians 3:6).
I grew up reading some parts of the Bible. I knew book, chapter and verse of several books of the Old Testament as early as I could read. But it wasn't until the Spirit took hold of me and showed me Who the suffering servant was (Isaiah 53:4-6) that thirty-two years of reading His Word turned into my second birth.
Getting frustrated that sharing the Romans road is leading you down a dead end street? Remember, sow the seed (with God's leading) and wait for His Spirit to work. You're only part of the equation :)

We're chatting about this here, and at Living By Grace on Facebook. Hope you'll join the discussion!

We're chatting about this here, and at Living By Grace on Facebook. Hope you'll join the discussion!
Traveling Rough Roads With God's Strength
Thank you for sharing this, Joanne. It has really given me much to think about. Have a blessed day.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Joseyphina! You have a great day too :)
ReplyDeletePersonal evangelism takes me right out of my comfort zone, too. A fear of saying the wrong thing makes me cringe. Thank you for this reminder to allow the Holy Spirit to lead, and then sow the seed with confidence.
ReplyDeleteI always had a hard time with witnessing until I did learn that it is not all on me, that I just have to do my part. Watering is good too!
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely not my place of comfort either but it helps to know that results are not up to me.