Welcome to my Wednesday feature God is So Good. Here I will share stories - true and fiction, mine and others' - of the Lord's presence in the midst of trials, struggles, and difficulties.
We were frustrated, confused, and disillusioned. We didn't know what to do or where to go. But God directed us, as he had in the past, and would continue to in the future. And He made it clear it was from Him.In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33b
Marc had had three brain surgeries in just over nine months, and it had been several months since the last one. Monthly MRIs had shown no tumor growth for quite a bit. We were expecting the same report from his oncologist that afternoon.
But that's not what we got.
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Photo credit (Not Marc's brain, BTW) |
Not again. No - I didn't say it (and neither did Marc, that I remember), but the thought was there.
We already had an appointment scheduled with Marc's neurosurgeon a couple days later - completely unrelated to the MRI. In fact, when we met with him, he hadn't even seen the films or the report.
But that didn't stop him from deciding there was only one option: ANOTHER brain surgery.
Seemed premature to us. But what should we do?
How about a second opinion? But where should we go?We had no ideas. But Marc and I started chatting anyway, hoping we'd think of something.
“Several people have said we need to go out of town. Find a super-specialist in exactly what I have.”
“I can do some research.” I looked briefly into his eyes. “How far are we willing to travel?”
Marc shrugged. “Don’t want to fly. And be sure it’s covered by the insurance.”
“I can start with Detroit and Ann Arbor. Then maybe Chicago—and I think I remember someone mentioning the Cleveland Clinic. That’s not too far, is it?”
He shook his head. “I think I heard something about Cleveland too. Maybe it was on the news. But check Michigan first.”
I researched that night, and discovered "superspecialists" in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area, and at the Cleveland Clinic.
The next morning, I had Ladies Bible Study at church. And when I brought the second opinion issue up (without mentioning where we were considering), my answer came.
Camille, one of my Bible study friends, piped up right away. “You know, my brother-in-law is a radiology tech at the Cleveland Clinic, and they have a top quality neurology department. From what I’ve heard, they have a great staff with some top-notch physicians.”
Her statement, along with the incredible chorus of praise for Cleveland Clinic from everyone else at study, was convincing enough for us.
Not only did we stay with Camille's sister and her husband (both times we had to go up), but the doctors we saw recommended a much less invasive treatment, that could be administered through our home doctor, and SHRANK the tumor.
Who else but God would put all those signs in our path? It certainly wasn't a coincidence. God is so good!
Do you have a story you'd like to share about God's goodness in your struggles? Drop me an email and we can talk!
Traveling Rough Roads With God's Strength
What a great testimony of God's leading!
God is awesome :)