“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Finds for Fridays: April 13

  Finds for Fridays is my way of sharing some of the wonderful blogs posts I read each week. I am currently following close to 100 blogs and at least scan them as much as I can. Each week, I'll note and "set aside" some posts that especially speak to me for whatever reason. And each Friday that I am able, I'll share them with you. I hope you'll stop by and read the posts, and maybe even follow the blogs if you aren't already. A win-win, right?

And here they are!

Can You Ever Lie To Tell The Truth? By Chip MacGregor at his blog (about memoir, truth, and theater)

Five Ways to Turn Your Trials to Treasures by Janet Eckles at Reflections in Hindsight (about helping others in ways you weren't)

I WAS WRONG! - When Life Gets in the Way of Writing by Lillian Duncan at the ACFW blog (about rethinking "write every day no matter what.")

Not Going Back... by Kristi Huseby at Broken and Redeemed (about "burning" your past)

Don't Give Up (you're on the right track) by Seth Godin at his blog (about knowing it can be done)

A good variety of posts this week. Hope you enjoy them!

Traveling Rough Roads With God's Strength

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