“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

Finds for Fridays: May 6


Finds for Fridays is my way of sharing some of the wonderful blogs posts I read each week. I am currently following close to 100 blogs and at least scan them as much as I can.  Each week, I'll note and "set aside" some posts that especially speak to me for whatever reason. And each Friday that I am able, I'll share them with you. I hope you'll stop by and read the posts, and maybe even follow the blogs if you aren't already. A win-win, right?

And now...here they are!

Oh What A Day by Joy Bach at Life Moments (about ups and downs and God's timing)

Are You a P-51 Woman? by Marsha Harwood at Internet Cafe Devotions (about the discouraging vs encouraging wife)

When Our Book is Finished by Terry Burns at Cowboy Musing (about "the blurbs" you need for your completed manuscript)

Ding-Dong, Bin Laden's Dead by Ben Erlichman at Reflections in Hindsight (about reaction to his death)

Be sure to check out these posts - and blogs. Some great reads!!

Paving Rough Roads With God's Presence


  1. I'm checking out Terry's!

  2. I've read two this morning. Thanks for the blessing! I hope to make it to the others later today. Hugs!


Thanks for stopping by. I would love to hear your thoughts - please share them!

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