“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” Mark Twain

I Believe

Saw Kristen do this at {dancing} in the margins, and thought it looked like fun to do :) Thanks for indulging me.
I believe that my daughter is the cutest girl to ever walk on two legs.

I believe that I never appreciated a nice day until I moved from Southern California to Michigan.

I believe that there's nothing like a real girlfriend--and the more you have, the better.

I believe that very little is cozier than flannel sheets and an electric blanket.

I believe that at least 300 trees were cut down to produce all the holiday catalogs I've already received in the mail this season.

I believe that nobody on earth is better fit to be my earthly husband than the man who IS my earthly husband.

I believe that once a slinky is ruined, you might as well take a picture and write a blog about it.

I believe that the answer to every question I could ever ask is in one Book.

I believe that no matter how uncomfortable they are, mammograms are worth it.

I believe that old habits are hard, though not impossible, to break.

I believe that I was born to write.

I believe that kids can use the silliest, and simplest, things to keep themselves amused.

I believe that adults have a lot to learn from kids (see above!).

I believe that every moment of my life--even the ones during the 31+ years I was unsaved--were crucial to making me the believing woman I am today.

I believe there are no such things as coincidences: only "God-incidences."

I believe that the Internet is an amazing place, with the potential for amazing good, AND amazing harm.

I believe that many Christians miss the richness of the Old Testament.

I believe that I have a home in heaven waiting for me.

I believe that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.

I believe that God's timing is perfect (though I don't always act like I believe it!).

I believe that not a moment of life is wasted--from a Heavenly perspective.

I believe that My Messiah has come.

I believe that you can never spend too much time in God's Word.

I believe prayer is a habit well worth developing.

I believe that everything I do has the potential to be a blessing, or a curse, to someone.

I believe that I need to get off this computer and pick up my son and his friend from school :D


  1. Wow! I believe this was a GREAT post! Wow! And I also believe that you are a wonderful friend. And I love you soo very much!

  2. I am so glad you played along -- I was hoping people would catch the "I Believe" bug. Love it.

    And I see I made a "tag" on your blog.

    The ultimate of honors. ; )

  3. I believe...this was a very enjoyable post!

  4. I believe you are as beautiful on the inside as I thought you were...

  5. Beautiful, Jo. You touched my heart with this simple list of beliefs...truly lovely.

  6. I believe you *were* born to write! Loved this!


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